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The department of...

This organization was founded in 1904 to map the geomagnetic field of our giant magnet of a planet, earth.

By 1929 members had traveled the world to collect data in a ship constructed largely of non-magnetic materials.

In 1925 this organization also launch a project to prove the existence of the ionosphere.


It also was responsible for putting the proximity fuse into production in WWII.

Today they do things like, oh, discovering planets outside our solar system, determining the age and structure of the universe, and studying the causes of earthquakes and volcanoes.

Who are they?

The Department of Terrestrial Magnetism of course.



The Department of Terrestrial Magnetism.

With your longstanding Research in this field I wonder whether you would be able to provide an explanation about the baffling "MAGNET MYSTERY" illustrated on this very website.
I have contacted the author and have reason to believe that these demonstrations are genuine.
Can the human brain be magnetised?
Or is there form of attraction, other than magnetic?
I shall be grateful for any light you could shed on this.

Thank you.